Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Today I hit a pretty big milestone in my weight loss journey.  76 lbs lost.  I've been at this for 27 weeks.  I am over half way to the goal my doctor set for me.  I'm not sure I will stop at that weight.  That will just get me to overweight.  I think I may try to go another 30 to get me to that healthy BMI.  I hope I have it in me!
I'm finding that foods that I was able to turn away from easily have been tempting me a little.  I was on vacation last week and I had an incident one afternoon where I stuffed a piece of pizza in my mouth before dinner.  I tracked the points but it was so out of character for me on this journey.  I also ate 2 cookies last week.  Again, something I had not done in months.  It wasn't that I felt deprived.  I hadn't been craving either.  It was a very stressful week.  I know....vacation....stressful?????  I was working a day camp at our church & there were some issues!!!!  But for the very first time, I was filled with doubt about whether I can be successful at keeping the weight off.  I know that I am still in the early learning process of eating like a normal person.  This is a forever thing.  It's not like I'm going to graduate from WW.  I stopped myself before damage was done & got back on track.  I was happy & relieved to see a 4.4 lb. loss on the scale this morning.  I know I can have all those yummy things.  I just can't have them all in one day!  I think I survived the first real big test.